EN – Shortinfo

EN – Shortinfo

About Us

The Deutscher Frauenrat (National Council of German Women’s Organizations) is an umbrella organization of 60 nation-wide women’s associations and organizations. Our members are professional and religious associations, women’s groups from political parties, trade unions and the German Sports Federation, as well as non-partisan organisations with a diverse array of social and political objectives.

We are the biggest Women’s Lobby in Germany. As a non-profit association, we operate primarily on public funding. We are recognised as a non-governmental organisation (NGO). The Deutscher Frauenrat has special advisor status at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, and is a founding member of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL).

Our Mission

Gender equality, i.e. equal opportunities and equal status for women and men in both jobs and the family, in politics, business and culture, is one of the main concerns of a democratic society. It is enshrined in Article 3 of the German Constitution. Beyond this, all measures must be committed to the principle of gender mainstreaming. That means that different living conditions for women and men as well as the respective consequences must be considered in stages of planning, implementation and evaluation. This is stated in the European Union’s Treaty of Amsterdam and in the new EU Draft Constitution. The Deutscher Frauenrat, Lobby der Frauen does everything in its power to translate formal rights and political statements of intent into social realities.

Our Activities

As a women’s rights advocacy organization, our activities are aimed chiefly at the federal government and parliament. We are in touch with ministers and their staffs, and in frequent exchange with members of the federal parliament. We organise and participate in campaigns, are represented in a number of commissions and civil society alliances, and communicate with many associations, networks and initiatives. Within the Council, we promote communication and exchange among our member association.

Our Structure

The General Assembly (GA) is the highest organ of the Deutscher Frauenrat. Delegates from our member associations meet once a year to debate and formulate policy positions, work priorities and measures. The decisions and resolutions taken by the GA are the working platform for the Board. Its members are elected by the GA. The Board works in an honorary capacity, and is assisted by the Administrative Office in Berlin.



DF-Beschlüsse 2023

Die Mitgliederversammlung des Deutschen Frauenrats hat am Sonntag zahlreiche Anträge verabschiedet und damit das politische Programm des Verbandes aktualisiert und gestärkt. Beschlossen wurden u.a. Anträge …


W7-Der frauenpolitische Dialog zur G7

Seit 2018 organisiert sich die Women7 (W7), ein internationales Netzwerk an Frauenrechtsverbänden, -organisationen und Interessensgruppen, um sich gemeinsam für Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der G7 einzusetzen. Das …


W20 – Der frauenpolitische Dialog zur G20

Women20 (W20) ist eine offizielle Dialoggruppe der Gruppe der Zwanzig (G20), die sich für die wirtschaftliche Stärkung von Frauen und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in den G20-Ländern und …



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